Why Have a Badass Life Coach?

Having a badass life coach can be transformative. That’s the kind of person who pushes you hard so you can go deeper than you’ve ever gone to discover how to be true to your own self. It’s not for everyone. Rather, it’s for those who are desperately committed to extricating themselves from misery, depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, and more.

In other words, having that badass life coach means that you’re making a pact with yourself to change. And your life coach is there to keep you on track as you progress through the Badass Counseling method to reach your authentic greatness.

Read on to learn more.

Why have a badass life coach?

What is a Badass Counseling life coach?

A Badass Counseling life coach isn’t just any life coach.

Badass Counseling is a method of soul counseling created by Sven Erlandson, Badass Counseling’s founder. It uses deep questions, everyday stories, and powerful insights as a way to flush out all of the pain, fears, and BS beliefs you've been taught about yourself, as a way to unleash your authenticity and greatness.

Thus, a Badass Counseling Coach is someone fully trained and certified by Sven Erlandson to take you deep and finally unlock all the real sh*t that is running and ruining your life, in one way or another.

Why should you consider having a Badass life coach?

You shouldn't.

If you're having to 'consider' it, you're not ready. Until you've reached the level of exhaustion, fatigue, misery, frustration, sheer inner pain, depression, or overwhelming anxiety that you don't know which way to turn, especially if you've tried other therapy/therapists in the past, you're not ready to work this hard and go this deep.

Until you pant for it, as a running deer pants for water, you're not ready.

Until you're broken, you're not ready.

If you think you still have your sh*t together, you're not ready. If your facade still works for you, you're not ready.

When you're ready, you'll know.

Is a Badass coach for couples or individuals?

It’s for both.

Counseling for Couples

Badass Counseling is extraordinarily effective for couples because it is completely different from other therapy methods.

  • Sven never takes a couple together in the opening sessions, because, to use his words, “It always degenerates into a clusterf**k, he-said-she-said sh*tshow!”

  • In Badass Counseling, each individual writes an autobiography for Sven, which he studies at no charge.

  • Each individual then meets with Sven for a 4-6 hour session, where Sven helps each individual scour the soul to begin to unearth crud driving their lives that they can't even see.

  • He will then do a follow-up or more with each individual until both they and Sven feel it is time to bring the couple together to begin to talk on a different level, using completely different tools and language.

That is when progress happens. Sometimes that leads the couple closer and able to finally choose each other from a place of authenticity and real self, no longer influenced by past voices and influences. Sometimes, it leads them to finally end what needs to end. That decision is definitely not made by the Coach but by the individuals, each finally speaking their real truth.

Counseling for Individuals

Badass Counseling Coaches also work with individuals in much the same manner, helping them to drill down through all the lifetime of accumulated crud to begin to find the origins of that crud and to begin to see the ramifications of seeing the truths that have been buried there for decades.

The goal, as always, is to get out that accumulated crud, and thereby allow one's original self to finally come out, AND be accompanied by the newfound courage to do so.

A life coach helps you drill to unearth emotional crud.

How do you prepare for Badass life coaching?

Every new client, whether individual or couple, is expected to do four things in anticipation of their introductory session, which is always either 4, 5, or 6 hours long.

  1. Each person is expected to read at least 2/3 of There's a Hole in My Love Cup, which includes 80% of the Badass Counseling Method in it, thereby enabling the Coach and client to move much more quickly and fluidly in session. This saves massive time, energy, and money!

  2. Secondly, each client must sign and submit the Client Confidentiality Agreement.

  3. Thirdly, full payment for the first session must be made, at least one week in advance.

  4. Lastly, each new client must submit to the Coach a full autobiography, at least one full week before the scheduled session. It must be no longer than 10 pages (and cannot be single-spaced).

The Coach then studies that and marks it up in preparation for the first session. Having done so, the Coach is fully fluent in your life story, before you ever darken his door, and can thus hit the ground running. The Coach usually spends three hours studying an autobiography. There is no charge for this aspect of Badass Counseling. It is a 'good faith' action.

How long does it take to see results from life coaching?

You will see significant movement in the first session, particularly if you do the 6-hour session, as it enables the Coach to cover more ground. You will likely not notice how quickly the time has gone. Some clients feel completely exhausted at the end of the first session. Some feel overwhelmed by all that is revealed and discussed. Many report feeling lighter and “like a big weight was lifted off of me.”

But, despite the significant movement of the first session and the strong feelings that often come with it. It is naive to think that will be enough. Most clients schedule a follow-up for the following week or so.

How You Attack Life Coaching Work is How Long It Will Take

The most committed clients, who are just so sick of all of the pain and frustrations of their lives work with the Coach anywhere from 2-4 hours every week. Yet, some choose to do two hours, once per month, or every few weeks.

The speed and depth of results are naturally, largely determined by how hard the client attacks the work, both in session and out of session. It is reasonable to assume that the more you come for counseling, the broader, deeper, and quicker your progress. It is also reasonable to assume, and highly, highly stressed by the Coach, that “championships are won and lost in the off-season” – the more homework you do outside of session (yes, there's optional homework!), the greater your progress.

The most aggressive clients in their counseling and homework see massive, massive life changes in a few months, sometimes less. This has included people who were previously badly depressed, suicidal, anxiety-ridden, and more.

It’s Important to Go at Your Own Speed

Some choose a slower pace. They still see results but feel the need to extend their counseling to take their time digesting these myth-shattering, life-turning insights and changes. And, that's okay. Some people just need to go at their own speed.

Thus, the velocity of change and growth is largely dependent upon how badly and quickly the client wants to change. It really is up to you!

How frequently should you meet with your Badass life coach?

The Coach always, always, always recommends that the client make the decision on the frequency and duration of sessions.

The thinking is simple: one of the primary goals of Badass Counseling is to help you hear and heed your own inner voice, that feeeel that rises up from your own soul. And shoot, if you can't do that with your Coach, then you sure as heck aren't ready to be doing it in your everyday life and in the big decisions, when the people involved may not be as supportive and encouraging as your Coach.

Perhaps you have money restraints, career obligations, family needs, or just need to go your own speed because that's what feels right to you. Whatever your reasons are, your reasons are enough!

Speak your truth and know you'll be heard and respected, even when it comes to sessions and hours.

Badass Life Coaching Success Stories

Regina, Suicidally Depressed

Regina was 25 and had been suicidally depressed for nearly two years. She had a successful career, yet because of housing costs lived in a major metro area with her mother. By the time her mother found Sven, Regina had seen many therapists and was on different medications, but the problem was not going away. Both mother and daughter were terrified and desperate for serious help.

Regina took to Badass Counseling like a fish to water. The Coach took her into her deepest pain, yes, but more importantly into the real messages she had gotten about herself from her absent father and her doting, yet often controlling mother. Within a month, a shift was beginning to happen in Regina. She saw it, herself.

Regina’s Mother Needed to Change, Too

But, the Coach knew that if you let a criminal out of prison and send him back to the neighborhood that helped get him into prison, in the first place, he'd slide right back into the old crap. So he confronted the mother and gave her a choice. If she really wanted to save her daughter, she needed to change as well.

The mother read There's a Hole in My Love Cup and knew she needed to counsel with Sven. In their very first session, after Sven pulled apart some very deep and severe realizations, Regina's mother got up quickly and ran to the bathroom, whereupon she threw up multiple times. After returning, white as a ghost, she confirmed that so many of the things she had done in trying to be a great parent were the exact root causes of Regina's depression and suicidal thoughts. After a few sessions, the mother began to change rapidly, and the home life took on a whole new shape and spirit.

Walking the World as a New Person

Within five months, Regina was ready to discontinue her work with the Coach, admitting she'd have to come back in a year or so after she had finally gotten rid of the long-time boyfriend. But she was walking now into the world as an entirely new person.

Sure enough, nine months later, Regina reached out to finish her work of diving into what was really going on inside her regarding the ex. After another month of counseling, Regina had gotten her own apartment, was succeeding in her career, and was back in school to expand her education, so as to open new doors and avenues she wanted to vigorously explore. She was, in short, a whole new woman, ready for life!

Devon, Heartbroken, No Motivation or Energy, and Full of Self-Doubt

Devon was a 41-year-old business owner in the Southern US. He was heartbroken over the loss of his wife, who had cheated on him and then left with her son, whom Devon had raised for 10 years since the boy was two.

Coming to Sven, Devon had no energy, no desire to work, and no belief in self. But, he did bring a work ethic that was ready to go. After going into serious family-of-origin sessions, wherein Devon realized his abusive father and alcoholic mother had taught him a total sense of worthlessness and unwantedness, Devon attacked his homework like a man on fire.

Missing only one weekly, four-hour session in 2 ½ months, Devon was ready to go without counseling, in his own opinion. And sure enough, he did. And he did it with flying colors.

Desperate Badass Tune-Up Needed

But then, about two months out, Sven got a frantic email from Devon saying he needed a four-hour tune-up, as soon as the Coach could get him in. He had crashed and it was worse than anything he had ever felt before working with Sven.

They got on the Zoom call two days later. Devon regaled Sven with successes that eventually led to missteps, lack of clarity, and the slow seep of lethargy back into his life. He was once again feeling miserable, but it was soooo much worse than before.

Having seen this a million times before, Sven helped Devon see two things. One, after you've experienced the mountaintop of healing and begun to live a life where your new normal is a default state of general happiness and energy, the return to your old state feels far worse, because the fall from the mountain is a bigger one. And that's completely normal when...

The Importance of Doing the Disciplines

Sven discovered that Devon had stopped doing the disciplines, as Sven calls them – the work of journaling, reading, getting good rest, and doing those things that breathe life into your soul.

>> See How To Do An Effective Soul Detox

Devon had had a few short nights of sleep, had skipped his time alone and meditations, and before he knew it he was back in the old happens of working late, rising early, heavy eating, heavy drinking, and ignoring his own soul's needs. Like stopping going to the gym after you get results, all the old sh*t came back.

Devon had a giant “AHA!” moment. They did some more work in that session and Devon left full of hope and clarity, realizing he had gotten a swift kick in the a**!

It was three and a half years later when Sven, quite randomly, got a wedding invitation in the mail. Devon was getting married and wanted the Coach who had changed his life to be there. In it was a handwritten note explaining that a few months after their last session, Devon had met a woman. And, for the first time in his life, he took his time, spoke up when he was feeling hurt or slighted, and created a work-life balance that suited him in so many ways. He still took time for his nature walks alone, time for journaling most days, enjoyed reading more, and still played in the basketball league that gave him so much joy. His business was also thriving, as he expanded into two more states.

It's important to do the disciplines, journaling, reading, getting rest.

The benefits of having a Badass coach vs. self-help books

Sven created the Badass Counseling method as a result of being in a 12-year suicidal depression, himself. While in the thick of it, he could find no therapist who really helped him. Yet, he was voraciously reading books – from self-help to New Age, from theology to psychology, from spirituality to hypnosis and fasting. Creating his own techniques and experiments from the 1000 books he read, Sven was his own guinea pig. He pulled himself out of a major depression.

So, Sven is a huge believer in the power of self-healing. He is also a big believer in the power of great self-care books. HUGE! That is why he wrote the book, There's a Hole in My Love Cup, created a totally free podcast, The Badass Counseling Show, that has over ½ million downloads after only eight short months on the air, and has created DIY video courses and over 800 free minutes-long videos on Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram.

He made all of these resources because he knows the motivated individual can, can, CAN heal themselves. And you can do it a heckuva lot faster than he did because you have his materials to help you. You don't have to reinvent the wheel like he did. He created his resources, healed himself with them, and has healed thousands of clients, over the decades, with them. These resources get results, IFF you do the work!

But, for those who just prefer to work with the Badass, himself, Sven is there to accelerate you through the process, while you also use those resources in your homework.

And, if you’re ready to finally turn your life around, Sven is ready to counsel you! Just click here.
Thanks for reading!

-- Sven Erlandson, MDiv, Is The Author Of Seven Books, Including 'Badass Jesus: The Serious Athlete And A Life Of Noble Purpose' And 'I Steal Wives: A Serial Adulterer Reveals The REAL Reasons More And More Happily Married Women Are Cheating.' He Has Been Called The Father Of The Spiritual But Not Religious Movement, After His Seminal Book 'Spiritual But Not Religious' Came Out 15 Years Ago, Long Before The Phrase Became Part Of Common Parlance And Even Longer Before The Movement Hit Critical Mass. He Is Former Military, Clergy, And NCAA Head Coach For Strength And Conditioning; And Has A Global Counseling/Consulting Practice with offices In NYC, NJ, And Stamford, CT: BadassCounseling.Com

Sven Erlandson
Author, Former NCAA Coach, Motivational Speaker, Pilot, Spiritual Counselor -- Sven has changed thousands of lives over the past two decades with his innovative and deeply insightful method, called Badass Counseling. He has written five books and is considered the original definer of the 'spiritual but not religious' movement in America.

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